Pre-Employment Screening
As the Polygraph Coordinator for the Pennsylvania State Police for over seven years, I developed policy and procedures for the Department’s cadet applicant polygraph screening. Using my experience from the Pennsylvania State Police, I will conduct a quality polygraph examination using the most up-to-date equipment and validated polygraph techniques.
Pre-Employment Polygraph Screening can be used in government testing such as Law Enforcement and Corrections Officers. The use of polygraph is a cost-effective way to screen applicants in a whole range of areas Law Enforcement/Corrections Officers may be concerned about, including unknown criminal behavior and work issues. The information gleaned from a polygraph examination provides your Background Investigator with valuable information to conduct a thorough and complete background investigation. The use of polygraph in the hiring process will also deter less than suitable candidates from applying or re-applying with your Department.
All Pre-Employment Polygraph Screening is confidential and can be administered on site because I provide all necessary equipment to conduct a valid and ethical polygraph examination.